Today we go over how to fade music in and out in Premiere Pro CC.

This will make for a smooth transition, and an overall better edit. To not jolt the user, we can use a fade to help slowly bring the audio in to the scene. However having music just start can be a little abrupt. Written Tutorial: Today we look at some quick techniques to fade out audio in adobe premiere p. Step 1 Open your project and select the track that is to have its audio faded in or out, by clicking on it with your mouse Music Store Professional - Instrumente & Equipment Onlin

You can easily do this using the Timeline panel. Über 55.000 Produkte versandkostenfrei In Premiere Pro you have two different options to fade in music (or fade it out): Fade Music with Crossfade Audio Transition The easiest way is to select the audio clip and then choose in the Premiere Pro Menu Sequence->Apply Audio Transition - or use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Command+D (macOS) or Shift+Ctrl+D (Windows) One very simple way to transition between clips or effects, is to fade in and fade out.